Saturday, 9 May 2020

Ayurveda for Chronic Lung and Respiratory Infections

We have treated a wide variety of cases of lung disease. Results have varied depending upon the age and extent of the lung damage in a person. To start with, the ayurvedic treatment for lung infection begins with a minimum of three months of treatment. A noticeable difference can only be marked after a proper lifestyle and discipline, as suggested by Ayurveda is followed.

How does Ayurveda explain lung disorders? 

Lung disorders can either be due to any of the dosha imbalance or are generally categorized as 'shwas roga.' It is a broad term or rather an umbrella that constitutes all sorts of respiratory diseases. It involves all the three doshas with a dominance of Vata dosha (air element) in the Kapha seat.
Pitta dosha (fire element) and Kapha (water element) also get disturbed, but the degree of involvement varies according to factors such as age, habitat e.t.c. 

For patients with lung disorder or infection, it has been observed that the major only go through symptoms such as heavy breathing difficulty in breathing along with dry cough. Sometimes patients also complain of a faint pain in that chest and blood in their phlegm or mucus.

If we were to believe the ayurvedic treatment for lungs, the following could be the probable causes for it: 

1. A compromised immune system
2. Occupational and environmental factors
3. Medication and infection or any allergy
4. An underlying disease
5. Radiation therapies
6. Smoking or drinking

However, a lot of causes are still unknown. Thus, at Shuddhi, the line of treatment for the betterment of any lung infection is only based on investigations. It is done by inspecting the body constitution and status of Agni, which is metabolism at the cellular level. It has been observed that a lot of ayurvedic treatment for lung infections include pungent and bitter-tasting herbs and are selected processed according to the stage of disease and body type of the patient. Ayurveda suggests that with a proper and disciplined lifestyle & diet, the lung infection can be treated well from the roots. 

The ayurvedic medicines have no side effects; hence the patient can save themselves get from all the hustle that they face while going through any other treatment. It has been noticed that a lot of patients who suffer from lung infections when turned to Ayurveda are mostly under a pre influence of steroids. This is to reduce pain or problem in breathing; however, after crossing paths with the ayurvedic treatment for lungs, they give up on steroids in absolutely no time. Breathlessness can cause a tough time for patients. This is because there is a lot of mucus congestion in the chest, which can be taken off through some ayurvedic steps. 

It is advised that the patient gets a back massage while at bedtime with lukewarm oil. This can be done with special ayurvedic herbal oil but is equally good if done with lukewarm sesame and mustard oil with a pinch of salt mixed in it. The patient will have to give up on the cold food such as refrigerated food or those that contain ice for some time. They must immediately diverge themselves from alcohol and smoking as it will not let the goodness of treatment reach your lungs be it in Ayurveda or any other form of therapy. 

Let's suggest you some natural ayurvedic treatments for lungs infections: 

Streamline your breathing activity with light exercises such as morning walk or evening walk or swimming. 

Do yoga or light breathing exercises as pushing your limits just a little every day will help you achieve more significant results. 

Having water can genuinely help us to cure a lot of problems in our body, drink plenty, and keep hydrated as this will improve the blood flow, ultimately curing the infection. 

Eat pungent foods such as garlic and onion will help in cutting down the cholesterol that might be the cause of an infection in your lungs. 

Eat nuts as they are rich in magnesium content, which will keep your overall health boosted along with fighting the infection as it will boost your immunity. 

Include more turmeric in your diet, along with being an antibiotic; it is rich with natural nutrients that are just perfect for fighting any infection in the human body. 

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin c such as citrus fruits pumpkin or carrots, can help in your lungs to revitalize and cure itself from the infection.

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed as HEPATITIS B carrier in 2013 with fibrosis of the
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